Dr Ettore Camerlenghi
3 mins
Spring foe, Winter friend—cooperative behaviour trends in superb fairy-wrens
A new Proceedings B paper explores the seasonal variation in cooperative behaviour displayed by superb fairy-wrens. Lead author, Ettore Camerlenghi, tells us more.

Hirra Ateeq
history of science
5 mins
Top tiffs
Hirra Ateeq discovers offended Fellows and long-running squabbles as she catalogues the Royal Society's Miscellaneous Correspondence.

Callum Shoosmith
4 mins
Life on Moon? Biographical Memoirs Vol. 76
The latest volume of Biographical Memoirs celebrates scientific endeavours across all scales, from big questions about extra-terrestrial life, to the small matter of how a cell dies.

Jon Bushell
history of science
5 mins
Eclipse trips
On the day of a total solar eclipse visible across North America, Jon Bushell looks at accounts of eclipses in the collections of the Royal Society.

Shalene Singh-Shepherd
3 mins
Proceedings B welcomes new Associate Editor Danai Papageorgiou
Behavioural ecologist Danai Papageorgiou has recently joined the journal’s editorial board.

Keith Moore
history of science
5 mins
Lady Mary’s letters
Keith Moore looks at the fascinating life of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, writer, traveller and champion of the practice of smallpox inoculation.

Shalene Singh-Shepherd
2 mins
Proceedings B agrees a new partnership with DataSeer.ai
After a successful pilot, Proceedings B has now partnered with AI-driven platform DataSeer.ai, as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance open data compliance.

Louisiane Ferlier
history of science
6 mins
Observing Indian science
While putting together a new Google Arts & Culture exhibition dedicated to India, Louisiane Ferlier discovers how Indian science has been a consistent thread throughout the Royal Society’s collections.

Caroline Curtis
history of science
6 mins
The philosophers' stone
Bladder and kidney stones, and their causes and cure, were subjects of great interest to early Royal Society Fellows, as Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme recipient Caroline Curtis explains.

Shalene Singh-Shepherd
2 mins
Meet behavioural ecologist Zegni Triki
We welcome Associate Editor Zegni Triki to the Proceedings B editorial board.

Rupert Baker
history of science
5 mins
First Lady
To mark International Women’s Day, we tell the story of the first woman to pay a visit to the Royal Society.

Katherine Marshall
history of science
5 mins
Katherine Marshall marvels at James Bateman's 'The Orchidaceae of Mexico & Guatemala', an elephant folio which ranks as the largest printed book ever produced on botany.